Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My little Athletes

What an exhausting week! I have been working the summer school program for special needs children and though it is rewarding to see their progress at the same time, I need a vacation! Tween and I are doing well together this summer. She takes golf lessons and is a natural powerhouse. She honestly has the potential to go far in the sport. Here is the dilemma: Her coach said she would be 10 times farther if she would just focus and take it a little more serious. In the same sentence he said that she enjoys the game and has fun. So, do we push her toward success only to hate it later or let her continue to have "fun" and lose the opportunity to debut the natural talent she has? Is there a middle ground?
Toddler is taking swimming lessons at my mom's pool. He has a great instructor that totally has engulfed his love of learning and sports. My nephew and toddler are both becoming little fish. I need to just get my nieces over for a refresher course.
We are having a garage sale this Saturday so I am trying to get "my crap, your treasures" together for that. The money I make from it goes to our Vegas fund. I received 3 comp nights at the Monte Carlo so I am off without the kiddos in July. We want to see Keith Urban and the blue man group. I am searching for deals there since we gave up credit cards. Off to make dinner.


  1. Maybe since up to now golfing has been fun, it is time to kick it up a notch and tell Tween that she need to try to focus a little more. This has the potential to get her college scholarships some day, so it would be nice if she took it serious at some point. You'll know when you push her too hard. Just gently encourage her to focus a little more and she could be great! I know she's great in my eyes. :)

  2. Wow, what a balance. I wish mom would have pushed me harder when I was younger but then again I know that maybe that would have made me dig my heals in harder. I don't know. You are a pretty intuitive person so I'm sure if you go the "get your butt in gear" route, you will know when and how much is going to help your beautiful tween.
